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Intuitive Coaching Programs

  • Breakthrough

    Create A Breakthrough!
    Valid for one month
    • 60 Min Reading
    • Personalized Follow Through Plan
    • 30 Min. Follow Up Session
  • Breakthrough (3 Month)

    Build Momentum And Create Breakthroughs Together!
    Valid for 3 months
    • 60 Min Reading Each Month
    • 30 Min Follow Up Two Weeks Later
  • Breakthrough (6 Month)

    Build Momentum and Create Breakthroughs Together!
    Valid for 6 months
    • 60 Min Reading Each Month
    • 30 Min Follow Up Two Weeks Later
  • Inner Compass

    Learn to Recognize and Trust your Inner Guidance
    Valid for 3 months
    • 60 Min Reading
    • Personalized Follow Through Plan
    • 30 Min Follow Up
    • 3 X Intuition Development Training Sessions
    • Email Q&A Support Throughout The Three Week Training
  • Inner Compass Integration

    Work together with Michelle to build confidence in your intuitive guidance.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Prerequisite: Complete Inner Compass Course
    • 12 Week Program
    • 2 x One Hour Sessions Per Month
    • 10 min check in calls or text support (as needed)
    • Customized as needed based on individual needs
    • Build confidence and trust in your inner guidance
  • Executive Connect : By Application Only

    Want me to join your team?
    Valid for 3 months
    • $5997 for 3 Months
    • Executive Consulting and Guidance As Needed
    • Payment Instructions Provided Upon Approval
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